Infinity Veneers
Dental Veneers can help you to achieve that beautiful, even smile that you have always wanted. Custom-designed dental veneers are a permanent way of creating a smile you’ll love. Dental veneers are crafted from an incredibly fine material, fitting seamlessly over your natural teeth.
Dr. Jack
One of the most well-informed cosmetic dentists in Australia, DrJack has successfully established the framework for the future of cosmetic dentistry.
Dental Implant
Dr Jack will place your implants at Infinity Dental Care. Once your All-On-4 implants have been placed you will receive your new set of prosthetic teeth, restoring your smile that you could feel confident in.
Pinhole Surgery
Dr Jack is one of only SIX Dental Professionals in Australia who have trained with Dr John Chao, D.D.S. to learn and perform The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique.
Braces that are used today are much finer and more comfortable and are prescribed not only help to straighten misaligned teeth but also guide the growth and development of the facial bones, which is why they are mostly prescribed for patients in their pre- or early teens.